Saturday, August 13, 2011

First Love Gone Wrong

I can remember how the two of you met
A lady in trouble and the man who was willing to help
The two of you grew close as time went by
You fell in love for the first time
The feeling was amazing
How his look would make your heart jump
The butterflies that would flutter when he said "I Love You"
Dreaming of the future you may have together
Never thinking that you two would part
Never doubting his love for you
You never dreamed you'd ever part
Never considering he would break you heart
Until one day everything changed
He betrayed the love you shared for one another
The pain you felt when he told you
Your heart being crushed
How could he have done something so awful
You thought he would love you forever
But his one mistake changed everything
The love you had for him was now gone
Alone and upset
The only question was what next
Feeling that you could never go back
But wanting him to comfort the pain that he caused
And not wanting to see him ever again
Wanting him to leave the planet
Your heart broken by losing your first love
Wondering if it will ever heal
Will you find love again
The answer is yes
Your heart will mend and I promise you will find love again.

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