Sunday, August 28, 2011
It has been so long since I have felt your skin brush against mine and I realize that I miss that feeling. There has been so much hurt and so much anger that I'm not sure if I can forgive everything. What happened to us, how did everything fall apart like it did? I hate that I love you but I love that I hate you, does that make any sense...nothing makes much sense anymore. I miss the butterfly feeling I used to get in my tummy when I would see you walk into the room or when my phone would ring. The days when we couldn't stand being apart from each other long enough to go to work for the day, remember those days? I do, I don't want to forget them...EVER! I know I won't forget them because I don't feel that our time together has ended completely, although I'm unsure of what that statement truly means. We still have a long road ahead but I think I'm willing to take it one day at a time.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
I can only do my best to try and express how much you are truly missed
Sitting here away from you, with thoughts of when we first met
I try to do my best but it seems to do no good.
Just do me a favor when the sun first rises - sit back and think of me.
If you would, I miss you like you could never imagine
I wish you could be apart of me.
Just listen to my words and one day you will surly see, that one day you are meant for me.
I put my heart into these rhymes, for it's not just me here doing time.
Just know time will pass and we will soon be together again
Trust and believe were now here near our end.
It won't be much longer just a little while more
So do me a favor and whenever I cross your mind think of me and smile,,,
Sitting here away from you, with thoughts of when we first met
I try to do my best but it seems to do no good.
Just do me a favor when the sun first rises - sit back and think of me.
If you would, I miss you like you could never imagine
I wish you could be apart of me.
Just listen to my words and one day you will surly see, that one day you are meant for me.
I put my heart into these rhymes, for it's not just me here doing time.
Just know time will pass and we will soon be together again
Trust and believe were now here near our end.
It won't be much longer just a little while more
So do me a favor and whenever I cross your mind think of me and smile,,,
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Everything she felt in her heart
All the faith that she had in him, the trust and the love between them
All that she was, all she knew was shattered like that of a window in a storm
Pulled out from beneath her
All the words that were spoken, words that meant nothing to him
The words she so desperately wanted to hear him say --
The promises she both needed and wanted him to keep
The trust she put in him; when she knew she shouldn't
To believe that things could be different
That the hurt and deception would fade
The resentment would disappear -- love would concur
That the truth would all come out and cause no harm
Because she was always honest with him in the end and she felt she deserved the same
First Love Gone Wrong
I can remember how the two of you met
A lady in trouble and the man who was willing to help
The two of you grew close as time went by
You fell in love for the first time
The feeling was amazing
How his look would make your heart jump
The butterflies that would flutter when he said "I Love You"
Dreaming of the future you may have together
Never thinking that you two would part
Never doubting his love for you
You never dreamed you'd ever part
Never considering he would break you heart
Until one day everything changed
He betrayed the love you shared for one another
The pain you felt when he told you
Your heart being crushed
How could he have done something so awful
You thought he would love you forever
But his one mistake changed everything
The love you had for him was now gone
Alone and upset
The only question was what next
Feeling that you could never go back
But wanting him to comfort the pain that he caused
And not wanting to see him ever again
Wanting him to leave the planet
Your heart broken by losing your first love
Wondering if it will ever heal
Will you find love again
The answer is yes
Your heart will mend and I promise you will find love again.
A Heart's Beat
Torn between two hearts; the one that beats in my chest and the one that beats in his
A choice that must be made...the wrong one could end the hearts beat
The man that I'm so deeply in love with or that of a man who I have no choice but to love
Living in fear that the wrong choice may cause death
Death to the beating heart that fills us both with life
This man who I feel obligated to love is a powerful leader who with one word can stop your beating heart
He does not fight his own battles, they are fought for him by those sent to install fear
He thinks only of himself unless he somehow benefits
A protector to all, a fighter to death
Compassion that my soul thrives on for life
Drawn to each other by mistake, forbidden to love thee
I cannot be the cause of his death, but yet I cannot stand to be without him
A man risking his life for me; to touch near me
Was committed to saving me from a life of sadness has also condemned me to a life full of despair
Does his heart still beat without mine
Has he chosen to be gone forever
Chosen to lie dead beside my protector who fought until death
Who my soul thrives on for life
A choice that must be made...the wrong one could end the hearts beat
The man that I'm so deeply in love with or that of a man who I have no choice but to love
Living in fear that the wrong choice may cause death
Death to the beating heart that fills us both with life
This man who I feel obligated to love is a powerful leader who with one word can stop your beating heart
He does not fight his own battles, they are fought for him by those sent to install fear
He thinks only of himself unless he somehow benefits
To love him would be a loyal choice for a beating heart
The man that I am drawn too...loveA protector to all, a fighter to death
Compassion that my soul thrives on for life
Drawn to each other by mistake, forbidden to love thee
I cannot be the cause of his death, but yet I cannot stand to be without him
A man risking his life for me; to touch near me
Was committed to saving me from a life of sadness has also condemned me to a life full of despair
Does his heart still beat without mine
Has he chosen to be gone forever
Will we one day be united as one heart that beats for two
My choice is to himChosen to lie dead beside my protector who fought until death
Who my soul thrives on for life
One beating heart is all we need
Looking Down: A Poem
You know that I love you,
That I never wanted to leave your side and be alone
I trusted in you and the love we shared; trusted our love when I knew I shouldn't have
Knowing that in the end you would hurt me when you said you wouldn't
I am lost about you, about the love that we share
As I look up at the stars I realize this is my last chance of happiness
I would bleed myself for you just to have your heart
I am losing my soul, all that I am as I search for you
You are in a place I cannot find until I have been chosen, for you are a love looking down
All I am left with is the memories of the happy times we once shared
I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive the way I am coping
I never saw such a tragic ending for either of us
I keep looking back, did I miss something
Anything that would have told me to never leave your side
I partially blame myself for what has happened
If only I would have fought harder for your heart than maybe you would still be here
Instead I look up at the stars and image you are looking down on me
You know that you will always have a place in my will not be forgotten
As hard as it has been time has eased the pain, and eventually it will fade
Damaged Goods A Tragedy Changes Everything; You May Be Surrounded by Many but Are Facing it Alone
I know all the words, but I can't really speak them to you
I hide all the pain that I've gained with all the wisdom...from you
I'm eaten alive by what I hold inside myself
All the things that I live with are not easily seen by anyone
Nothing to live for...but you
It's not easy to hide all this damage I keep hidden deep inside
I'll carry it with me always, until I am no longer breathing
You look at my face, does it seem just as you
I can't seem to erase all the scars that I live with everyday
I'm so sick of this place I can taste it in my mouth
I love you and I can't figure out why I do
I'm left with nothing
Nothing to live for, no reason to breath...but you
It's not easy to hide all the damage inside
Everything that is beautiful is no longer
All that I am is everyone that I hate
The love has taken everything away that I so desperately need
I hide all the pain that I've gained with all the wisdom...from you
I'm eaten alive by what I hold inside myself
All the things that I live with are not easily seen by anyone
Nothing to live for...but you
It's not easy to hide all this damage I keep hidden deep inside
I'll carry it with me always, until I am no longer breathing
You look at my face, does it seem just as you
I can't seem to erase all the scars that I live with everyday
I'm so sick of this place I can taste it in my mouth
I love you and I can't figure out why I do
I'm left with nothing
Nothing to live for, no reason to breath...but you
It's not easy to hide all the damage inside
I'll carry it with me until I am no longer alive
Such a cancer as it eats at meEverything that is beautiful is no longer
All that I am is everyone that I hate
The love has taken everything away that I so desperately need
Can't breath you out of the mind that is driving me closer to the end
Surrounded by Darkness...I can no longer catch my breath
Life as I know it is damp and cold
It is hard to catch my breath
For I feel that I have lost my soul, my will
To live or to die is not a question of faith
But a choice that will ultimately change everything that could be
As I fall to the depths of the ocean
I struggle to find what is left inside myself
Not knowing which way is up
Not knowing if I have the strength to go on
Feeling alone and afraid as I hide from the world that surrounds me
Not wanting to be seen as tears trickle down my checks
I make believe that nothing is wrong until I'm crying
Trying to imagine my life without you being a part of it
I know that I cannot go on
Seeing you so happy makes me feel so hurt and angry
Seeing you unhappy makes me hurt and angry
I am an emotional roller coaster
Having no way of knowing when I will be up or when I will be down
Questioning all and trusting nothing
As I surrender myself to darkness
I rediscover my true happiness
It is hard to catch my breath
For I feel that I have lost my soul, my will
To live or to die is not a question of faith
But a choice that will ultimately change everything that could be
As I fall to the depths of the ocean
I struggle to find what is left inside myself
Not knowing which way is up
Not knowing if I have the strength to go on
Feeling alone and afraid as I hide from the world that surrounds me
Not wanting to be seen as tears trickle down my checks
I make believe that nothing is wrong until I'm crying
Trying to imagine my life without you being a part of it
I know that I cannot go on
Seeing you so happy makes me feel so hurt and angry
Seeing you unhappy makes me hurt and angry
I am an emotional roller coaster
Having no way of knowing when I will be up or when I will be down
Questioning all and trusting nothing
As I surrender myself to darkness
I rediscover my true happiness
I can now catch my breath no longer feeling lost
Sorrow in the Heart
He turned his back on his promise; stopped keeping his word
She did not understand what had changed - why this was happening to her
She thought about all that she did for him
Had it not been enough; was she not good enough
The confusion turned to depression and to sadness
She hated what her heart felt; all the pain he caused her
She did not hate him; she hated only herself
She could not bring herself to get out of bed each day
She had a feeling of despairevery timehe left
Every timeshe heard the door slam shut; a part of her slammed shut
Crying all the time she felt so alone
All the sorrow that flowed through her heart; all the hurt feelings
She wanted a way out; to feel no more pain
One night he took off without knowing if he would return
She reached for the bottle to end all the sorrow
To stop the nightmare of being alone and always wondering that he moved on and found someone new
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